Content Creation

The Slope Advisor

My Role
Ski Content Creator
Nov 2023 - Present


I launched The Slope Advisor as a personal passion project to provide advice, reviews, and engaging stories about skiing in Eastern Canada. Initially started as a means to cope during my battle with brain cancer, it quickly evolved into a source of trustworthy information for eastern Canadian skiiers. The Slope Advisor also acts as my playground to experiment with a wide range of ideas that I can apply to my clients accounts, indirectly benefitting every account that I work with.

Roles and Responsibilities

As the sole founder and operator of The Slope Advisor, I have been responsible for every aspect of it. This ranges from content creation and digital marketing to community engagement. I also built and maintain the website and blog, and am actively working on growing a dedicated mailing list and enhancing the video content.

Execution and Impact

The execution of The Slope Advisor involves strategic planning and direct engagement with the audience across multiple platforms. On Instagram, I used a mix of engaging visuals and informative content to rapidly build a strong follower base to generate high video viewership. The website became a hub for deeper insights and stories, attracting visitors seeking detailed skiing advice and personal experiences. Although still developing, the YouTube channel serves as an additional outlet for sharing video content and expanding reach.


The initial results of The Slope Advisor have been incredibly promising. In just a few months, I have seen significant growth in terms of online engagement and community building, particularly on Instagram where video content has garnered thousands of views and followers have went from 0 to 894 in 3 months. This success not only highlights the potential of The Slope Advisor in the niche of skiing information but also showcases my ability to build and scale a brand from scratch during a personally challenging time.